Kind words

shiatsu harrow testimonials

Changing Emotional Patterns comes in all shapes and sizes.

To give you an idea of how broad this can be, here are some testimonials.

Overcoming Cravings Testimonial

In this video, Tom talks about how Isobel helped him to overcome his chocolate cravings.

shiatsu harrow testimonialsEFT Testimonials

“Isobel was a huge support to me following the painful break up of my marriage.

She had the difficult challenge of piecing me back together again but did so with great patience, sensitivity and thoughtfulness.
Her gift is her ability to guide you towards gaining perspective on what has happened, while also equipping you to move forward and positively embrace a new chapter of your life.
She delivers all this with great warmth, sincerity and authenticity which gives you reassurance that you will make it through to the other side.
I would not hesitate to recommend her.”


“For a very long time I’ve been experiencing shoulder pain. Previous therapies gave me temporary relief but I was looking for something that would help me to get rid of the pain once and for all.  I’ve heard about Isobel’s work through recommendation from my friend and I decided to give Shiatsu a try.
Isobel’s Shiatsu treatment was surprisingly gentle, but let me tell you – extremely effective!  While Isobel was working, I experienced a cold feeling in my stomach, and it stayed there for about a day after the treatment. Then I became aware that my digestion had improved and I was much more comfortable.
All in all, my shoulder pain has not returned, and as a bonus, my stomach is happier too! Thank you Isobel!”
Lenka, Business Coach and Trainer

“I highly recommend working with Isobel, I found her to be very understanding and supportive, and she has your best interests at heart. Isobel helped me with healing the past of the negative experiences that were still holding me back. Throughout the programme she helped me gain increasing self awareness, recognising the statements that I carried about myself and ‘tapping’ away to release the truth of the matter and take charge of my life again. I’m very thankful for her help.”
Amber, Intuitive Guide and Healer

“My 8 year old son has been struggling with bullying at school for the past 4 years. His confidence has been hit hard, he was falling behind in school, always angry at home, weepy and even not being able to sleep in his own bed.
Isobel talked through what was happening at school with him and how it made him feel. She got him to open up and voice his emotions using EFT techniques. It’s not just her techniques that make Isobel get the results, but it’s her warm and loving persona. We are now 3 months on and every night he comes to me wanting to do tapping as it has really helped him manage his emotions and made a difference in how he deals with bullying at school. He is more confident, happy, enjoying school again and excelling in class.
It’s still a work in progress and just having an outlet and a way to get him to open up has really changed our lives as a family. I don’t dread the school drop offs or pick ups any more. I truly believe that EFT and Isobel have changed my son’s life!”

Sonica, Company Director

“I had three EFT sessions with Isobel. These contributed to identifying and removing some of the emotional blocks I had and helped me in completing a demanding project before the deadline. Isobel approaches her work with kindness, passion and integrity. She is extremely knowledgeable and professional in the way she works with her clients.”
Harish,  Business Coach, Author, Trainer and NLP Practitioner

“In the past year I have been going through a personal journey where Isobel played an important part. She has helped me to see the light in my tangled and deeply buried emotions, she has observed, guided, advised, explained my reactions with her skilful mentoring. I am very grateful to Isobel for her help and will recommend her to anyone who is seeking support and understanding, given from her heart. Thank you.”
Vieri, Hair Stylist

“For a long time I felt quite insecure in myself and my abilities. Isobel made me feel very comfortable and I knew I could tell her anything. So I did. Isobel explored various issues related to my insecurity that led to many ‘ah ha’ moments. Thanks to Isobel’s wonderful work I now feel much more confident, happier and much more productive with amazing results! If you have a problem that does not seem to go away, I would highly recommend to work with Isobel. My transformation has been profound.”
Valerie, Business Advisor 

“After becoming a victim of workplace bullying which resulted in my unfair dismissal, I suffered a borderline breakdown which affected my confidence and self esteem. I attended a full quota of NHS counselling sessions but felt a deep need for something more. In my search I discovered Isobel and soon realised I was ..’In The Right Hands’ ????. Isobel introduced me to EFT & Matrix Reimprinting. With Isobel’s kindness and professional help I began to believe in myself again. I have also learnt to let go of many bad experiences and regained much confidence in speaking up and saying how I feel.  I am now beginning to look forward to the New Year in a positive way. Thank you, Isobel!”

“We started off tapping through my anger and grief, having lost a family member to cancer 3 years ago.  I was able to recognise it was time to let go and release that trapped emotion. Through our sessions Isobel was able to guide me to understand how I gave away my power and using a recent experience we were able to tap through this. I enjoyed my sessions so much, I have decided to do the EFT training. Thank you for our EFT sessions they have made such a difference to me.”
Estelle,  Doula

I am amazed at the effect of EFT. At my first session I talked of the death of my dad 50 years before and my feelings the last time I saw him; how I had learnt from my mum to hold on, therefore I had never cried.  The tears rolled down my face uncontrollably and left me feeling so calm and released. I had not been able to achieve this in psychotherapy sessions. After my next two EFT sessions, I felt less stressed and have slept so well in the way I only seemed to achieve when totally relaxed, on holidays.  Isobel showed me how to practise EFT myself and I found I was confident going into a situation that would have made me slightly nervous previously.  Thank you Isobel, for my new zest for life!”
Heather, Bookkeeper

“My daughter aged 10 attended one session with Isobel to overcome her fear of dogs. Isobel’s calm and friendly manner soon put my daughter at ease and was very helpful.  My daughter is now happy to be in the same room as  a dog and will continue to use the techniques taught to her by Isobel  to continue her development and confidence.”
Lesley (10 year old’s mother)

“I came to Isobel suffering several issues including anxiety, stress, work/relationship upset and past trauma. Having spent 8 years gradually avoiding tubes, flying, trains, even boats were a problem! I am talking chronic stress! Avoiding them meant buses and cabs. Within two sessions of EFT, I started using the overground and some Tubes. I even made a trip to Horsham. I did the EFT the morning before the train and I had no anxiety at all on my journey. My friends have seen a huge difference and have been saying how proud they are! I am now getting on Tubes and trains regularly….incredible changes! EFT is such a simple but powerful technique that we can use anywhere, for pretty much anything! It’s a magical tool.

Isobel is a very skilled practitioner with an empathetic and understanding view of your issues. So much more opens up in the sessions and Isobel uses other techniques and tools to help… you get more than just the EFT. During a very bad panic attack one morning, Isobel took me from feeling horrendous, to totally calm within minutes. I am now returning to work after a few months of sick leave….. I feel positive and empowered about my future, knowing I have EFT with me! Thank you Isobel for all your support and wisdom. You are a truly special lady (to many I’m sure!).”
Tracey, Team Coordinator


shiatsu harrow testimonialsShiatsu Testimonials

“Following years of arthritic pain in my knees, neck and shoulders, I was introduced to Shiatsu with Isobel. After initial sessions and regular maintenance treatments with her I am now able to enjoy decorating and gardening. What a relief to know that my body can be helped to help itself!”
Nancy, Bank Administrator

“The treatment that Isobel gave me released a lot of built-up tension and left me feeling incredibly relaxed. For the next few days, I had a surge of energy, which helped me focus and gave me the impetus to win my new job.”
Clare, Receptionist

“I came for treatment during a debilitating flare-up of arthritis which coincided with menopause. In addition to easing the pain, the healing qualities I received were acceptance, gentle strength, peace and courage at what was a highly emotional and challenging time of my life. Energy, flexibility and mental clarity were restored and balanced over a series of sessions.”
Martina, Illustrator

“After two years of IBS and a painful shoulder carrying a laptop around I finally made an appointment to get help. Isobel was great, very professional and approachable. She took notes about my general health and then she gave me a really gentle Shiatsu session. After one session the pain in the shoulder had really subsided. Unbelievably after one session the IBS disappeared and that weekend I went for a long walk with a friend – something I would never usually contemplate doing and have done many times since. Thank you Isobel – so much.”
Susan, Business Advisor

“After months of pain in my arms, I received 3 treatments from Isobel and have found it helped me very much.  At last I am able to stop taking the pain killers.”
Anna-Lore  from Germany – Retired

“I started going to Shiatsu when I found I couldn’t handle the stress of my job but didn’t want to leave it. Immediately Shiatsu calmed me down and set me on a path to changing my attitude and lifestyle. As well as the physical wellbeing I receive from a treatment, I find I can handle situations with more clarity in and out of work. I used to dread presentations but now find I am calm and clear headed and more confident, and my career has become a lot more balanced and integrated into my life, rather than taking it over.”
Andrea, Manager –  Bushey


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  1. Pingback: Benefits of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) | In the Right Hands

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