Daring to step up and be more visible

By | August 31, 2021

It is about 6 years since I last had professional photos taken of me and my work.

Isobel enjoying photoshoot

At the end of last year, I made a commitment to myself to be ‘more visible’. Of course, that meant speaking about me and my business too. (Eek!)

I haven’t always been as confident as I am today. I hired a coach to help me re-message my work, and we agreed that I should have some up-to-date photos taken.

I booked a photo session with @Anne in December 2020. The ‘lockdown’ restrictions meant we couldn’t meet in-person to do the shoot until June 2021. This gave me time to get used to my new ‘persona’ and how I wanted to be photographed.

This amazing journey has resulted in me speaking about what I really do. I help people uncover and heal the unconscious patterns that keep them stuck. Once the root cause is brought into the light, it can be healed. I now speak about it and am proud to call myself a Trauma-Sensitive Therapist and Healer. It took time to grow into this title and now I LOVE it.

If you would like to learn more about uncovering recurring emotional patterns and healing them, I am running my Healing and Transformation workshop on 18th September.

For details and to book your place, please click here